Our crews generally wear custom printed t-shirts with our Cactus man printed on them. The cactus man has been our registered trademark for a long time, and we like to keep things fresh with a new design every now and then. Each of our crew members receive several of the shirts and we like to keep them looking as good as our job sites.
You may notice a couple of our guys in brightly colored shirts. Tell them congratulations. They aren’t supervisors, but they are special achievers.
The only way to get one of the bright shirts is if someone catches them doing something extra. Maybe they went out of their way to help someone on-site, they might have a great attitude and inspired someone, or they could have completed solved a problem or did a great job on a difficult task.
If you’re on-site with us and you see one of our crew being a “hero” in some way let us know. We’ve got a shirt for that person and a little extra recognition.
And if you see someone in a different shirt, congratulate them – they deserve it!